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  • AutorenbildDaniela Wildi


Hong Kong, a mixture of San Fransisco, New York and London. A chaotic city packed with soaring skyscrapers, big finance, hilly streets, double decker buses and endless food stands. In Hong Kong you drive on the right, a lot of people speak fluent English, the crowds create a multiculturalism and the fast pace a sense of permanent change.

My host family and I spent Chinese New Year, also known under Spring Festival, in the south of China, Shenzhen. Shenzhen and Hong Kong are directly connected by MTR subway and it’s the fastest and cheapest way to travel. We got up early to avoid long waiting times at the border and to experience Hong Kong to the fullest. Here is an impression of Hong Kong in less than 15 hrs. Enjoy!

Hong Kong has something fascinating and I haven't been enough time in this city to understand it. I'll defintiely have to come back to get a closer look and understanding. Visiting Hong Kong was worth it and I'm looking forward coming back for more impressions in the future! Have you ever been in Hong Kong? What do you think about it?

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